Improving access to quality healthcare is one of our core objectives. This is accomplished through a community health network to address needs using a primary care model.
We support a robust school system (Pre-K through High School) and adult literacy program that serve one urban and 10 rural communities.
La Gonâvans have a proud tradition of farming & small-scale commerce to support their families but lack access to capital and resources.
We fund locally designed, locally managed and locally built projects identified by communities to meet their specific needs.
Your gifts provide access to healthcare, education, strong infrastructure and economic opportunity on La Gonâve.
A development initiative co-led by the Episcopal Church of Haiti, individuals and churches in the United States, and 10 communities on the island of La Gonâve.
We are a US 501(c)(3), non-profit organization.
© 2024 La Gonâve Haiti Partners, Inc.