Here is our first “report card” from Fonkoze the Adult Literacy trainer in Port Au Prince who has been our collaborator on the new Adult Literacy project. We just began in September, a program that grew out of one young woman who spoke up in a community meeting at Nan Mango: “What we would really like is to learn to read like our children are learning.”

After we cleared our tears (during the thunderous applause she got from her neighbors) we vowed to help them learn to read. Thanks to a quick response from our friends (like you) we had the program up and running in less than 6 months. And now, our first report card. We feel like kids again!

I am very pleased with the prospect of meeting you next month, as you have requested.  Today we had a meeting of the Education Agents at the officce in Port au Prince.  I was enchanted with the reports that Robert, gave on the work going on in Lagonave.  He is very satisfied with the collaboration he receives from Pere Soner and others from his Congregation, and it turns out your program is the best in attendance and commitment from both participants and monitors.  Congratulations on a well motivated group of beneficiairies in your program.

And, a huge thanks from the people of La Gonave. They are finally learning to read.

Lee Wilder

For the Partnership

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