Community and Household Water Systems

Sufficient and safe water continues to be a major health issue on la Gonâve. The best method for adequate supply is the building, repair, and expansion of roof catchment systems and cisterns. Where the water is not safe to drink, inexpensive home treatment is available at a nominal cost to the communities. Drilled wells and a new system of removing salt from the water are investigated for appropriate locations.

Energy Systems

Solar energy is being evaluated for communities where it would be the only potential source of electricity. As the cost of solar systems continues to come down, they may become an option for installing at partner schools and churches.

Latrines and Sanitation

Proper treatment of sanitation and wastewater in the form of latrines and septic tanks is an important part of any community health plan. New latrines have been constructed at Nan Mango, Plaine Manpou, and Anse-a-Galets. Latrines with improved lighting, air-flow and chemical treatment continue to be developed for all the communities. At St. Francis d’Assisi church and school, a septic system was recently discovered. Plans are to bring this system into service again.

Buildings and Grounds

The buildings on la Gonâve are traditionally constructed with local stones or concrete masonry. Concrete is made using cement brought to the island by ferry and combined with local water and stones. The partnership has provided funds and technical support in the construction of school buildings, churches, a clinic, latrines, storage buildings, cisterns for storing rainwater, and a residence for teachers. The work is completed by local contractors using local materials to promote job creation and economic development.

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